News from Dajabón, DR

I hope to share my observations in Dajabón, situated in the northwestern part of the Dominican Republic, through this blog site. ドミニカ共和国の北西に位置するダハボン州、人口1.8万のダハボン市の様子を、このブログを通じて共有できたら嬉しく思う。 写真も少しづつ載せていきたい。 Check photos here

Friday, June 23, 2006

A Haitian Boy (5)

Today’s session with Haitian children was a small one. The gray cloud started to cover the sky at around 3pm, and I knew some of the children were rushing home across the river, because the river becomes too high to cross over when it rains.

I started to review alphabets with Pittersonne, 12 year-old boy who started to come to the session about a month ago. I saw Pittersonne was waving his hand to his shoe-cleaning buddy who was just outside the door, gazing at what we were doing inside. We invited him to come in. It was the boy that I most frequently see on the street, who had talked to me sometimes offensively that my shoes had to be cleaned, and I had to repeat, “Non merci.” He had passed several times in front of Centro Puente where we hold sessions, but had never come inside. Maybe he was a bit shy or hesitant to enter, seeing a crowd of kids. I learned that his name was Edik, and he was 14. When I asked Edik to write his name on the name plate as others, he asked Pittersonne to write his name. He had never been to school, and does not know how to read or write. (Thus the spelling of his name is not certain.)

Edik and I practiced alphabets. Edik was barely able to hold a pencil. He traced the alphabets A, a, B, b, C, c, …. on the sheet clumsily. When I saw his work, he was also tracing the lines of the sheet as though they were parts of the alphabets. I remembered when the workshop participants started to bend the pieces of puzzles, and I had to explain that puzzles were to be combined without being bent. Although Edik cannot read or write, he speaks better Spanish than most of his buddies. He must have been small when he started to cross the river to work in Dajabón. He looks confident and professional when he's cleaning shoes on the street. His hands cleaning shoes and those holding a pencil look as though they belong to different persons.

On my way back to the office, I saw a Haitian man walking towards me, who looked about 40~50 years old, selling shoes that were hanging from his neck, shoulder and arms. I avoided his gaze as he had an irritated look. His way of walking with long steps somewhat looked like Edik’s way of walking, and I could not help thinking if Edik would look like this man when he becomes 40 or 50. I wondered if the man read or wrote, or if he had ever been to school. I hoped Edik would come back to the session next Friday.




エディックとアルファベットの練習をすることにした。A, a, B, b, C, c….とアルファベットが書かれた紙に、各文字をなぞっていく。しばらく目を離してみてみると、横線まで文字の一部かのように、一生懸命、持ちにくそうに鉛筆を握って、なぞっている。以前、ワークショップの参加者がパズルのピースを折り始め、パズルは折らずに合わせるものなんだと説明しなければならなかったのを思い出した。エディックは読み書きはできないが、他のハイチの子どもたちより上手にスペイン語を話す。おそらく幼いころから、ダハボンで働いていたのだろう。靴を磨いているいる時、彼は堂々としている。靴を磨くプロフェッショナルな手つきと、鉛筆を握る頼りなくぎこちない手つきは、同一人物のものには思えなかった。


A colleague of health project, Dr. Moya, passed by, and he took the picture of us in the activity. The boy holding a paper is Edik. 母子保健プロジェクトの同僚のDr. モヤが通りかかり、写真を撮ってくれた。紙を持っている手前の男の子がエディック。

Friday, June 16, 2006

White panty in darkness

Power goes out with more frequency and duration after the national election. One night, the light went off and the fan stopped. I could hear the conversation of the house in front of mine so clearly, as if there was nothing in the air that blocked the voice of my neighbors. (BTW, sound travels well in the village. I used to wake up astonished by the sound MUWAWOOOO of cows, thinking that they were just outside my window, when they were actually very afar.)

Mother: "Yilda! Donde esta fósforo?!" (Where is the matchbox?)
Yilda (10 yrs old): "Se acabó!" (It’s empty!)
Mother: "Ve para donde Ikuko!" (Go to Ikuko’s!)
Yilda: "Barbara! Vamos donde Ikuko para buscar fósforo!" (Barbara, we’re going to Ikuko’s house to look for the matches!)
Barbara (7 yrs old): "Y mira cómo estoy yo! No tengo nada de ropa!" (But look! I have no clothing on me!)

Although our houses are facing each other across the street, there’s a distance of about 30 meters if including the porch, the front yard and the road. Yilda seems to be less bothered by the darkness of the path, but more by her mom’s request that always comes to her just because she’s the oldest. So she makes her younger sister Barbara to accompany her.

I went outside the house, with a match box and a torch in my hand. When I got to the entrance that faces the street, I could barely see Yilda and Barbara standing there. Barbara, wearing only a panty, was smiling, with her hands tied in front of her stomach. The silhouette of her loose white panty stood out in the darkness, and it was simply sweet and adorable. I felt like the match was lit in my heart.






Saturday, June 03, 2006




