News from Dajabón, DR

I hope to share my observations in Dajabón, situated in the northwestern part of the Dominican Republic, through this blog site. ドミニカ共和国の北西に位置するダハボン州、人口1.8万のダハボン市の様子を、このブログを通じて共有できたら嬉しく思う。 写真も少しづつ載せていきたい。 Check photos here

Friday, September 23, 2005

Friends' Visits

It is such a treat to receive friends from overseas who come all the way to Dajabón. Acha was the first (brave) one to make up her mind quickly to travel 2 days to get here. Her travel journey is more comprehensive than this blog :)

Gina grew up in South Carolina and Miami, and now lives in Washington, DC. Practically all Dominicans thought that she was Dominicana. She said that many aspects of Dominican culture and everyday practices had lots to share with those of African-Americans, even the way muchachos walk!

Photos: (right) Maririn and Acha in Clavellina. (left) Gina, in the right front, with community health promoters of Los Cerezos rural clinic.

Dominican Pace

Before coming here, I had heard about how the time flows slowly in the Caribbean. I think I was less culturally tolerant or flexible than I had thought. My patience has been challenged almost everyday, and even after being here for 8 months, I often find myself rushing for something, walking quickly, and tells myself that it's no use to rush in an environment where no one else but me rushes.

"Al paso... el cambio necesita como 10 años (Take it easy... it takes like 10 years to see the changes)" told me the village women representing the project. Okay, but the headquarters in DC needs to rececive evaluations including some kind of numerical values. But only half of the people are at present in the meeting that was cancelled the other day due to a heavy rain. Things don't move. The excuses for arriving late or missing the meeting can range from cow's sickness, missing chicken to son's baseball game.

There seems to be no "deadline tomorrow" in mind when Dominicans are dancing merengue or bachata. Maybe it's better because they are dancing not to forget about the deadline but simply to enjoy the present moment.

At any rate, I ask myself, as always, whose projects are they, and for whom are the projects?



