News from Dajabón, DR

I hope to share my observations in Dajabón, situated in the northwestern part of the Dominican Republic, through this blog site. ドミニカ共和国の北西に位置するダハボン州、人口1.8万のダハボン市の様子を、このブログを通じて共有できたら嬉しく思う。 写真も少しづつ載せていきたい。 Check photos here

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Monsieur Damas in Wanament

I went to Wanament, the Haitian town bordering Dajabón. Walking a short bridge over the river that divides Haiti and the Dominican Republic, and taking a bike taxi for 5 minutes bring you to the center of Wanament. Inevitably, many Haitian come from Wanament and stay in Dajabón, often seeking an employment opportunity. There are quite a number of Haitian women who marry to Dominicans or to Haitian migrant workers in the Dominican Republic, and our statistics indicate that 15% of pregnant women who come to the hospitals and rural clinics in the Province are Haitians. Given this situation, the needs for Health handbook in Creole had emerged. Naturally, the Creole version of the handbook has to have photos of Haitian mothers and babies. I needed some more photos of Haitians.

I went alone yesterday as I had been there several times. At the reception (Statistics Department), I greeted the man informing my intention of taking a few photos. I was taken to the Director's office, then, was introduced to an old gentleman who spoke Spanish so that he could help me taking photos.

His name was Damas Etirere, and he is responsible for guiding the patience to appropriate direction within the hospital, and giving them a waiting number card. Without this card, people get into fight as to who was first. As Mr. Damas' Spanish was so fluent, I asked him if he had lived in Dajabón or had traveled back and forth. To my surprise, he told me that he had never visited Dajabón. He explained as his reason of not having visited Dajabón, “When one Haitian does something bad there, all Haitians are being accused.” I could not help picturing Dominicans that talk ill of Haitians with prejudice, and I felt sorry. He also told me that he’s 80, that he has 35 years working at this hospital, and that everyone respected him there.

I gazed for a moment at his calm attitude, soft smile receiving the people coming to the hospital, and unhurried manner to hand in the waiting number cards, and felt attracted to it.






Photo: (upper left) Children waiting for vaccination at the hospital of Wanament. (upper right) Monsieur Damas. (bottom left) A Haitian mother with her baby at one of the rural clinics in Dajabón. She is married to a Dominican. (bottom right) A gate on the border bridge between Haiti and the DR. While Dominicans and foreigners can pass through it smoothly, Haitians often have to wait in a line to cross the gate into Dajabón.

写真:(左上)ハイチ、ワナメンの病院で予防注射を受ける子供たち。(右上)ムッシュー・ダマス。 (左下)ダハボンの農村診断所に来ていたハイチ女性と子ども。子どものお父さんはドミニカ人。(右下)国境の橋の上にある門。ドミニカ人や外国人はすっと通れるが、ハイチ人はドミニカ側に入るのに列になって待たなければならない。

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The season of cherry

"Look! Have a few! It’s good!" My neighbor girl, Yilda, with cereza (local cherry).

見て!食べてごらん!おいしいから! お向かいのジルダ、季節になると木に沢山なるセレサ(アセロラ)をポケット一杯につめて。