A friend who works in Manhattan was visiting over the long-weekend. She was curious why all the Dominicans she was introduced to in the town and the village had such good smiles. I had not paid attention, but her observation put me to think.
I cannot make a sweeping generalization as to “Americans/ Japanese/ etc. are XXX,” but I have to agree that there aren’t really mean or unpleasant Dominicans. (Or have I been just lucky?) I used to get impatient over how slow things moved when I first came here, but no one seemed to be rushed by my impatience, nor have Dominicans rushed me ever.
Yes, Dominicans are spontaneous, and sometimes self-centered, but in a positive sense, they live instinctively, with their open arms and wide smiles to fellow Dominicans and foreigners alike, as if they are inviting, hey, let’s share and enjoy the present moment!
Behind their smiles, what seems to be present is unconscious effort to fully live, have fun, and extend laughs, because no one knows what happens tomorrow. Maybe Dominicans live more honestly to their inner feelings. And their smiles are beautiful because it comes from inside.
OO人は・・・という一般化はできるだけ避けたいが、あえて言わせてもらえば、ドミニカ人にはイヤミな人が本当にいない。来た当初、ゆっくりのペースにイライラしていたが、こちらがせかしても、向こうは一向に急ごうという気配もなく、また、ドミニカ人からせかされた記憶がない。 自己中心的な言動は少なくないが、相手を傷つけるようなことをわざわざ言ったりしない。Spontaneousなところも多いが、いい意味で本能的に生きている人たちのような気がする。のんびり、ゆっくり、今という時を一緒に楽しもうじゃないか! と言わんばかりの笑顔で、外国人も迎え入れてくれるのだ。
その笑顔の裏には、明日何が起こるか分からない、だからこそ、今を「体を震わせて」めいっぱい楽しく生きようと、「笑い」を精一杯に拡大しようとする無意識の努力があるように思える。笑顔はそこからにじみ出てくるのだろう。 そういえば、国民的踊りであるメレンゲとバチャタを踊っているときも、全身を柔らかくして震いを感じ取っている。