Every Friday evening, I get together with Haitian kids who come to work in the bi-national market, at a small NGO office. We do arts and crafts activities, watch video, or just chat. Seeing Haitian children in the market, I wanted to do something. First I wanted to hear their voice. Upon consulting this NGO that works in the area of Haiti-DR cultural exchange, the staff kindly offered to provide an office space and trasnlation (Creole-Spanish).
10~15 children come each time, most of them being repeaters. There must be 50~60 Haitian children coming to the market, and the number seems to have been increasing lately.
When I arrived in the NGO office one day, there were already five children there. These children are more punctuate than Dominicans, although they do not carry watches.
As I was speaking with Milita, a 9-year old girl, I asked how much she earned today. She shly took out bills of 10 pesos (33 cents) from her waist-pouch. There were three bills. This is the earning of her day of work, selling plastic bags to the people who come to the market.
“Milta, the opportunity cost of your not going to school for one day is more than 30 pesos,” I wanted to say. She would not get what I say, or even if she did, it’s very unlikely that she would be enrolled in school. In Haiti, public primary education is free, but in order to go to school, one needs notebooks, pencils, clothing, etc. and the majority cannot afford to buy them.
In the past, I asked them to draw “what I want to be in the future.” A nurse was popular among girls, and a musician and a nurse among boys. After they finished drawing, I asked them what they needed to do in order to be what they want to be. ALL, responded, as if they were proud of knowing the answer to my question, “to go to school!”
Photo: Jonia, 13 years old, wants to be a nurse. In her drawing is a nurse giving an injection to a patient.ハイチ少年と少女金曜日の夕方、ハイチからダハボンのマーケットに働きに来る子どもたちと、地元NGOの小さなオフィスに集まり、一時間ほど絵を描いたりビデオを見たりする活動をしている。バナナやビニール袋を売り歩く子どもたちを目にし、何かできないか、それにはまず彼らの声を聞きたい、とこのNGOに話したところ、親切にも場所と通訳(クレオール語―スペイン語)提供をしてくれることになった。