Reino has got a job

Reino is a young boy of 18 years old. He has a Dominican father and a Haitian mother, and speaks Spanish and Creole. Recently, he came back to Clavellina from Santiago, the second city of the country where he worked for a small store. He seemed not very fond of a large city. Sometimes he visits my house to chat or ask for English vocabulary (I suggested him to buy a small English dictionary, which does not cost more than two bottles of beer).
One recent day, he said to me with a smiley face,
“Ikuko, yo conseguí trabajo!” (I got a job!).
I was curious what kind of job he got. In Clavellina, there are only a handful of people who has a paid job in the formal sector. He continued,
“Yo trabajo en la peluquelía en la ciudad” (I work at the barber’s shop in the city (of Dajabón)).
That’s a quite well-paid job. I congratulated him and asked how he got the job.
He told me that one day, he was having his hair cut at this barber’s in town. A guy entered, and he wanted to have his hair cut immediately, but all the staff was attending other clients. Reino, who had received a course on haircut before, said that he has a bit of experience, and could cut the guy’s hair. The shop owner and the guy agreed, so Reino cut guy’s hair. It turned out that the guy liked Reino’s job, and the owner asked Reino if he was interested in working at this barber’s. When I was looking for a job in DC, “the right time, the right place” was often heard. So as Reino’s case. His having taken a course on haircut, which was not intended for getting a job but from his personal interest, also came in handy.
A few weeks after he started his job in Dajabón, Reino bought an old used motor cycle to use for his commute. Now he no longer waits for my truck to hitch-hike in the morning. And he is a breadwinner of his family. (By the way, Reino’s mother is Ana, who appears in the March entry, “At Wincelao’s.”)
Photo: Reino with his mother, Ana, and his motor cycle.
そのレイノが、この間嬉しそうな顔で、「イクコ、仕事がもらえたんだ!」と言ってきた。クラベジーナに住みながら月給の出るフォーマル・セクターでの仕事に就いている人はほんのわずかである。どんな仕事が見つかったのだろう? 「街(ダハボン)の散髪屋で働くことになったんだ」とレイノ。レイノにそんなスキルがあったとは、知らなかった。「おめでとう!でもどうやってその仕事を見つけの?」とすかさず聞いてしまった。