News from Dajabón, DR

I hope to share my observations in Dajabón, situated in the northwestern part of the Dominican Republic, through this blog site. ドミニカ共和国の北西に位置するダハボン州、人口1.8万のダハボン市の様子を、このブログを通じて共有できたら嬉しく思う。 写真も少しづつ載せていきたい。 Check photos here

Friday, May 26, 2006

An article about Haitian migrant workers

As I was driving to the town this morning, I saw through the window a group of Haitian males walking towards who-knows-where they would offer their labor in the farm. The scenery was nothing special, something that I have gotten too used to observe. Then, one article from a few months ago reminded me of the distance between what I see in front of me and the larger issue of the poverty in Haiti that embrace small encounters like the usual ones in the morning.

The article was about the Haitian migrant workers in the Dominican Republic, titled, “Tensions rising as Dominican Republic cracks down onillegal immigration.”



そう意識すると、記事の "I am from a poor country... I am poor and just looking for a life."

The article was written by Frances Robles of the Knight Ridder Newspapers.


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